We help position policies on government agendas to advance solutions to public health issues. We facilitate the inclusion of new and necessary vaccines on the immunization formulary of national and/or local governments. We expedite the upgrade of clinical guidelines to include new, more effective, and necessary drugs. We help position immunization, policy formulation, and other issues at the top of the agenda of national and international organizations. We match pipelines of health products and devices with countries' disease burdens. We know policy makers and those who influence them. We communicate and package information in a meaningful way for policy and decision makers.


Listening to clients’ objectives, needs and priorities

Defining the best approach to overcome their challenges and achieve their objectives

Our objective is to partner with our clients to support them in addressing their challenges and maximizing opportunities.


Our services are divided into four main categories:

Policy Wisdom works in partnership with our clients to create a thoughtful and actionable strategic path to shape policies that impact the health, environment, safety, and development of individuals, communities, and nations. Through our partnership approach, we pay close attention to clients' goals and needs.

To learn more about our services, please click on the appropriate category or item


Our business was created as a 100% virtual model more than a decade ago, when virtual work was considered audacious, innovative, and an exception rather than a rule.

Projects are performed by a 100% virtual network. Our consultants, located in all continents, are familiar with the issues, culture and market conditions that impact the health system. Our virtual business model allows us to keep project development ongoing, through multiple time zones.